Monday, November 20, 2006

Tournament Action

G'day again,

Well, I got stuck into a bit of Poker over the weekend.....Mostly tournaments. I found it interesting the way a lot of guys play in tournaments. Everyone has their own style I'm sure. I notice the real aggressive guy that will go all-in at the drop of a hat and try and double his chips straight up. Then you have the tight player that will sit until they have a monster hand and try and coax out as many chips as possible, that's just to name a couple. The problem is trying to identify these guys before they get your chips :)

Myself, I just enjoy sitting back and watching everything for the first few rounds, I generally avoid pushing All-In (unless I have the nuts of course) and just to get a scope of what's happening. In the Tournaments, I'll just generally play poker (if you know what I mean). I find that's the simplest way to avoid all the rubbish.

Overall I didn't do too badly on the weekend, won a little cash, nothing to write home about though. One thing that really sucks, is when you sit and play quite well, than one or two things upset you and before you know it, you've gone from being in the top 10 in chips to the bottom 5.....then goooonnnee. It's a hell of a lot easier running down hill than up, that's for sure.

Thanks again,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you, Dave.

7:01 pm  
Blogger Dave Casey said...


10:17 am  

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