Thursday, October 19, 2006

Played live the other night

Well, I have to tell you about the other night.

Me and a guy from work ("HMAS" Dom C) went up to a local pub for a game of Poker, their were 35 people there and the prizes weren't too bad for a smallish crowd; 1st $450, 2nd $ on so so forth.

Anyway, myself and Dom are kicking back having a delightful beverage before the game and start talking tactics, now I'm not the best of players, but ol' Domma goes alright on his day. So we start saying that we should sit on different tables to avoid going heads up against each other in hands, turns out we end up on the same table (here's me fist pumping about it - not). So we're avoiding each other quite well, until about the 9th hand, I get dealt KcQc, I decide to limp in and see what happens on the flop, Dom on my left raises 400 (our stacks were about 1600 each), flop comes Jh 3c Qs; I check, thinking Doms gonna bet anyway ( here's me expecting to raise a smallish a bet), he throws in 600 (now I start thinking, geez, don't tell me he has KK or at worse AA), I have to call, I throw 600 into the chook bin. Turn; Ad (bloody hell, I know I'm gone now) I check; Dom goes all-in (grrrr), I'm sitting there thinking, should I just throw the rest of my chips in and be done with it or should I fold and sit here for another 4 hands hoping to jag something decent? I decide to go with the latter. I throw my cards in........Dom turns over AQ, I knew it. However, we did something you should never do after the hand and looked at what the river was going to be, it was a 10 - I was devastated.

How would you have played that hand? I think about re-playing it over and over. Anyway, that's Poker I guess. Still had a great night. Dom ended up Chip leader on the final table, he busted out to some terrible calls and finished 6th, turned out to be a crap shoot in the end.

Well, that's it from me for now. Catch ya's later.

Dave Casey


Blogger Jordan said...

In a tournament you want to pick your hands carefully. KQs is a pretty good hand but it's a scary one. You're willing to call a pretty big preflop raise, which coudl mean AA, KK, AK, AQ, etc.

In that case, if you hit a Q you're outkicked by AQ, if you hit a K you're out kicked by AK.

I'm not saying it's not a good hand, but early in the tournament you don't want ot risk all your chips without the nuts. Let the maniacs lose their 1500 starting chips with the blinds at 5/10 or 10/20. It doesn't make sense.

12:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
If I have been injured from a poker game? YEEEES! Not in the eye from a flicked card, but I have been pissed in the eye ( a finnish expression) so to speak from a poker game. 20 years ago I was working on a ship MTV Zimin (former motor turbin vehicle Stena Seahorse) and we had a pokergame every night after work; the captain, the chief engineer, one more man (which I don't remember) and I my self ( a welder, not a sailor). We were coming to Mobile Alabama from Mexico when I got the royal (AKQJT of hearts). WOW! I did not win much money though, it was a friendly game ,you know. But the chief said to me: "Won't u buy me a beer tonight because u won that?" . " Of course" I immediatelly responsed. "May I take somebody with me also?" he asked. "Of course" I said (wondering how the heck he already had found a girlfriend, we had just come to the Benders shipyards).
Well, in the evening at THE ROYAL CLUB (I still remember the name of the strip tease bar) he came in with 23!!! mexican sailors, and I had to buy all the beers! Bummer!This is a true story, I swear. Is this a bad beat maybe?

5:54 pm  
Blogger Dave Casey said...

That's a Classic Allanone.....Still smiling about it now.

3:18 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a comment to jl514
I just have to say this: AQ is a good hand! what ever Doyle Brunson says. He prefers 67 suited. OK, he's right, but only in the big games. In my next life I'm gonna play 6 3 off and change my name to Gus Hansen ( ten four had been the right way to say good bye in an american way, I rekon, but yall remember his double 10 2 !)

8:21 am  

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