Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am one dreary eyed Poker player

G'day all,

Well I arrived home safe and sound from the Australian bush, no bites, scratches, stings or cuts :)

I've actually got some great photo's of some of the wildlife out there. I'll stick them up within the next week.

Anyway, I was playing poker the other night at about 2am in the morning, it got me thinking about the state I was playing in......I mean, I was playing a lot of hands (when I look back) that I shouldn't have been. Now I know guys that will play Poker online for about 10-12 hours straight, that's a marathon sitting for me, my head would be mush after 3-4 hours.
Do you think being at a table, be it online or live, for over a certain amount of time affects the way you play? And at what stage does players actually start to feel this? Has there been any types of study on this yet? It would be interesting to find out.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings ;-)

All the best with ya Poker play safe, yet hard when you have the nuts.

Dave Casey


Blogger Riverrun said...

I know I start to lose focus at the 2 hour mark in cash games. I normally 4 table which might be a little different than you.

I know theres been study's on how being extremely tired effects driving. They say its worse than being drunk, go figure.

11:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It definitely affects your play. Especially when you hit a streak of an hour or 2 or (hopefully not) 3 where you get nothing but 2nd best hands and bad beats. That's when my conspiracy theory kicks in and I think "oh, so you can only win hands if you play garbage? fine, I'll play every piece of crap i'm dealt." That's when it's time to quit.

12:06 am  

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