Tuesday, May 30, 2006

No Poker on the weekend for me

Well, for the first time in a long time, I didn't have a game of Poker on the weekend. My better half decided to go to a "Rave" with a good friend of hers. This meant I had a night with the boys :)

What a night it was.......We started at the Pub at 3.00pm in the arvo*, come 13 hours later I was still standing (well not stading, but leaning against the bar). Yes folks I was as full as a public school bike rack (and I ain't dissing Public schools, cause I went to them most my life).
I don't know how I got home, all I remember is waking up facing the wrong way in bed. I'm sure I was still drunk too. Needless to say, I picked myself up, spun around on the bed and went straight back to sleep.
Sunday was a write off, I did manage to play in a Tournament online and finish 31st out 6700 people I won a meesly $1.30 (it was just a freeroll). So that kept my mind off being crook* anyway.

Arvo = Afternoon
Crook = Sick

Rightio, I'll ya's later.

Dave Casey


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